[Article]: Deconstructing Constructed - On Flash and Winning. By Josh Silvestri
0 Comments (Write a comment!) By piZZero on 15/4/08 at 18:44.

Otro gran artículo (gratuito) de Josh Silvestri para Star City Games, que trata el tema del Flash desde un punto de vista muy personal pero con una visión realmente interesante. Os dejo con su introducción y un poco mas abajo el link:
At the moment, things are a little weird for writing, Standard is waiting for the Shadowmoor release and with Magic Online down, there’s nothing to talk about in the short term about any interesting designs. Meanwhile, in Vintage there’s the age-old debate about some card that should or shouldn’t be restricted. This time Flash is the card on which everyone has their sights.[Article]: Deconstructing Constructed - On Flash and Winning. By Josh Silvestri
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