Team Pataners

Pwning Eternal since 2007

He trobat per TMD un post amb alguns canvis que s'han efectuat a les regles del joc. Algunes són realment interessants i crec que val la pena saber-ho.

From Magic Floor Rules section 122:

Before each game begins, players must present their sideboards and allow their opponents to count the number of cards in their sideboards (face down), if requested. Players may look at their sideboards during a game only if the sideboard remains distinguishable from other cards.

A player may not request priority and take no action with it. If they decide they do not wish to do anything, the request is nullified and priority is returned to the player that originally had it.

Certain conventional shortcuts used in Magic are detailed below. If a player wishes to deviate from these, they should be explicit about doing so. Note that some of these are exceptions to the policy above in that they do cause non-explicit priority passes.

Most of this section simply reflects how Magic is generally played in tournament settings. There are a couple of important points to note, however. "A player is not allowed to use a previously undeclared shortcut... in order to create ambiguity in the game." is an important directive for judges facing many classic attempts to trick an opponent into moving the game along. Likewise for "A player may not request priority and take no action with it." which covers the classic "While you think about what creature you want to play, can I play an instant?" "Sure." "I'm not going to, we're in your end step." exchange.

  • Whenever a player adds an object to the stack, they are assumed to be passing priority unless they explicitly announce that they intend to retain it. If they add a group of objects to the stack without explicitly retaining priority and a player wishes to take an action at a point in the middle, the actions should be reversed up to that point.—This is how this is treated already in many areas, but other play communities may currently treat a series of actions announced simultaneously (like Psychatog pumps, for instance) as actually piling up on the stack. If you're in one of those areas, be aware that you may not find the judges on your side anymore.
  • If a player announces an X spell without specifying the value of X, it is assumed to be for all mana currently available in their pool.
  • Players are assumed to have paid any cost of 0 unless they announce otherwise.—This two items are pretty new idea, in terms of official sanction, but they clear up a lot of really awkward judging situations, where both players think it's obvious what has occurred, and yet they each have a different idea. I don't doubt that there will be some strong feelings about these, but I think they're generally healthy.
  • A spell or ability that targets an object on the stack is assumed by default to target the legal target closest to the top of the stack.—This is highly relevant in counterwars, where one player may want to let an opponent's drawback-containing counterspell (e.g. Pact of Negation) resolve before re-countering an item further down the stack. Since players often dump their counters right into the graveyard, it can be impossible to assert what was countered. It's still a good play... you just have to specify that you're making it.

The Golden Rule of Player Communication: Statements made about the game being played must be truthful (to the best of their knowledge). However, statements do not need to be exhaustive—honest answers with careful omissions or “non-answers” designed to misdirect opponents into making suboptimal—but not illegal—plays are acceptable.

There are now three categories of information (roughly: this is the executive summary, still) that have different levels of bluffability (not an actual word) associated with them. These are laid out through the Golden Rule, and the exceptions that are listed after it:

  • Factual information that's hidden or is about recent actions in the past: You must answer these questions both honestly and completely. If I ask if you played a particular creature on your last turn, you can't hedge. If you played a Story Circle and didn't write the named color down, you have to tell me what it is.
  • Most questions about basic game state and game rules: This is the meat-and-potatoes stuff that falls under the Golden Rule. You can avoid the question, or distract your opponent, but you have to be honest to the extent you do answer it.
  • Questions about derived game state, future interactions, or hidden information: you may say whatever you like. Want to claim that your army of Walls is going to swing for the win? Go ahead. The remaining thirty cards of your library are all counterspells? If you can sell it, more power to you.

Before I get into the borders and where players can go astray, the most important caveat is this: you cannot use misleading statements to make your opponent make an illegal play, and you cannot suggest that an infraction has occurred unless you have actual grounds to believe it has. This came up at a recent Portland PTQ: a player called a judge on their oppenent for failing to pay for a Pact. The problem was, the Pact had been countered, so there was no payment to be made. The Pact player scooped his cards. This is unequivocally illegal now: do so knowing that there was no Pact trigger, and you'll be DQ'ed.

Source: The Mana Drain


2 Responses to “Alguns canvis a les regles”

  1. # Blogger Unknown


    kin pal llegir en anglès


    wenu wenu pero s'enten sta b sta b




  2. # Blogger Unknown

    ei pizzas et deixu el meu msn per si vols agregarme!




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