Team Pataners

Pwning Eternal since 2007

eBay no more?

El titular de esta entrada puede parecer duro e impactante, pero es que una serie de sucesos recientes alrededor de la archiconocida página de subastas por internet, eBay, nos hace pensar que la venta de cartas de Magic en eBay se va terminar pronto.

La notícia la leo en el periódico on-line CNN en su apartado de economía bajo el titular:

"EBay fee hike sparks seller rebellion
EBay's new fee structure has small stores fearful about their survival"

En resumidas cuentas, los vendedores de artículos con un precio inferior a 25$ van a tener que pagar unos impuestos mucho mayores respecto a los que tenían hasta día de hoy.

Según datos aportados por vendedores en el topic acerca del mismo tema en los foros de Star City Games, el 97% de las cartas de Magic vendidas por ebay tienen un valor inferior a 25$. Os podéis hacer a la idea de lo que esto va a significar para los vendedores de cartas, ¿no?

En contrapartida, eBay sugiere que los vendedores aumenten el precio de los envíos para cubrir gastos.
Sellers may charge reasonable shipping and handling fees to cover the costs for mailing, packaging, and handling the items they are selling. While eBay will not prescribe exactly what a seller may or may not charge, eBay will rely on member reports and its own discretion to determine whether or not a seller’s shipping, handling, packaging, and/or insurance charges are excessive. Shipping and handling fees may not be listed as a percentage of the final sale price.

Sellers who want to be sure they are in compliance with this policy may charge actual shipping costs plus actual packaging materials cost (or less).

In addition to the final listing price, sellers are permitted to charge:

Actual Shipping cost: This is the actual cost (i.e. postage) for shipping the item.

Handling Fee: Actual packaging materials costs may be charged. A handling fee in addition to actual shipping cost may be charged if it is not excessive.

Insurance: Sellers offering insurance may only charge the actual fee for insurance. No additional amount may be added, such as “self-insurance”. Sellers who do not use a licensed 3rd party insurance company may not require buyers to purchase insurance. This is a violation of state law.

Tax: Only actual applicable federal, state, country, city, VAT, and equivalent taxes may be charged.

For cross border transactions, sellers may not collect tariffs and duties. However, buyers may be responsible for actual, applicable tariffs, and duties as requested by respective country laws.

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:

* Listing cancellation
* Limits on account privileges
* Account suspension
* Forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings
* Loss of PowerSeller status
A todo esto, le tenemos que añadir el cambio en la política de los "feedbacks" entre vendedores y compradores que se va a poner en marcha en breve:
Feedback Changes
The eBay Feedback system was designed to provide a simple, honest, accurate record of member experiences. Focusing on customer service includes doing everything we can to grow customer confidence in our sellers.
Buyers will only be able to receive positive Feedback.
Positive repeat customer Feedback will count (up to 1 Feedback from the same buyer per week.)
Feedback more than 12-months old won't count towards your Feedback percentage.
When a buyer doesn't respond to the Unpaid Item (UPI) process the negative or neutral Feedback they have left for that transaction will be removed.
When a member is suspended, all their negative and neutral Feedback will be removed.
Buyers must wait 3 days before leaving negative or neutral Feedback for sellers with an established track record, to encourage communication.
All Feedback must be left within 60 days (compared to 90 days today) of listing end to encourage timely Feedback and discourage abuse.
Buyers will be held more accountable when sellers report an unpaid item or commit other policy violations.
Este sistema tiene ventajas e inconvenientes. Me parece bién que los vendedores no te puedan dejar feedback negativo. De esta manera se evita que vendedores como Kadacards sigan falsificando cartas sin llevarse ningún feedback negativo (El truco de: Si me pones Negativo, te pondré yo un feedback negativo... y claro, al final nadie le pone nada). PERO, si por ejemplo tu eres un usuario "casual" de ebay, que compra muy de vez en cuando, pues vas a perder todos tus feedbacks que tengan mas de 12 meses de antigüedad.

No se yo como va a terminar todo esto. Lo que está claro es que va a haber cambios pronto en el mundo de los dealers de Magic. En la actualidad yo mismo ya casi no uso eBay en favor de la página Magic Online Trading League (MOTL, la podéis encontrar en los links del blog).

Os mantendré informados de las novedades respecto al tema.


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